Caterwaul’s Cobweb
She was our “leading lady”. Not quite voluntary, but as she happened to have a litter when matriarch Fat Mouse died, this task fell to her.All my cats loved her, there was never an argument in which she was involved.
She was a very cuddly cat, slept under the duvet with me and was my ‘laptop’. Twice I tried to mate her to Int. Ch.Caterwaul’s Cream of the Cream – a fine old gentleman living in the south of the Netherlands who was at stud until he was 12 years old. But Cobweb refused him, she had a better (read; younger) man at home. So we gave in. She loved Caterwaul’s Touchstone. Her last litter was born in 2007. She had a total of 29 babies, a record in our books. She was Jetsetter’s mother and Caterwaul’s Jingle Balls’ grandmother.
During the last years of her long life her joints began to worry her. We gave glucosamine chondroïtine, bought her a special cushion to keep her comfortable and warm, elevated her eating and drinking bowls but still the time came when something snapped and she started to walk in circles. She was 15,5 years old then.
At the vet she – as always – lay on my lap during the last injections and purred as loudly as only she could
Goodbye Cobweb, we miss you so much, another one of our golden oldies turned to dust. Your best friend Touchstone has been lying on your cushion for a long time, trying to get comfort from your lingering smell. He is really mourning.